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Series 1

Unit 1.01

What is the purpose of school?

Unit 1.02

When should someone be considered an adult?

Unit 1.03

What makes an American?

Unit 1.04

Cloning: threat or opportunity?

Unit 1.05

Should schools be responsible for students’ mental health?

Unit 1.06

Animal testing: Is it necessary?

Unit 1.07

Censorship: Who should decide what young people read?

Unit 1.08
Climate change: Who should pay for the consequences?

Unit 1.09

School dress codes: not strict enough?

Unit 1.10

Who is responsible for doping in professional team sports?

Unit 1.11

Mummies: Who owns the dead?

Unit 1.12

Junk food: Should schools sell it? 

Unit 1.13

Is the death penalty justified?

Unit 1.14

Asthma: more than a medical problem?

Unit 1.15

Today’s news: information or entertainment?

Unit 1.16
Teen smoking: Who is responsible?

Unit 1.17

Solitary confinement: legitimate protection or cruel and unusual punishment?

Unit 1.18

Should drugs be legalized?

Unit 1.19

Should the NFL require the Washington Redskins to change their name?

Unit 1.20

High school dropouts: What can be done?

Unit 1.21

Should victims’ families all receive the same compensation?

Unit 1.22

Politics and privacy: What do we need to know about a candidate?

Unit 1.23

Explicit photos and cell phones: illegal or just risky?

Unit 1.24

How should teen dating violence be addressed?

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