Lesson 8:

September 11 timeline.

Students read a timeline of the events that occurred on September 11, 2001. This may be done independently, but could be more powerful if it is read and discussed as a class. 

Mini-lesson: Cause and effect.

Students can watch the mini-lesson video and then complete the associated workbook pages independently. You may want to alter the agenda so this activity does not come in the middle of synchronous activities. 

September 11: The people in the World Trade Center.

In this activity, students view and discuss images of artifacts from the World Trade Center during the September 11 attacks. You could use live synchronous instructional time to show these resources, and lead discussion of them. Alternatively, you could provide links for students to browse the resources on their own, and post a response using a class discussion board, FlipGrid, or a similar app.

September 11 story of Arlene Charles.

Students read the story of one survivor of the World Trade attacks. They note who helped her, and use cause and effect to make connections between events from her story. This may be done independently, or in partners.

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